are an up and coming band currently kicking up a storm around the capitol and
judging by what I’m currently listening to and hearing it’s hardly surprising
that they’re turning heads. Their debut album Hey You is filled with a mixture
of post punk, blues, heavy rock and sleaze and I defy you to listen to this
album and not get carried away by the music. What I really like about Hey You
is that you can tell that the band have put a lot of hard work into their work
and had a bloody good time doing it. Whether it’s an out and out foot stomping
rocker like Get Out Of My Tree, the sleazy Hex My Ex or the ballad like Mandy
Meldown this album has an infectious beat that will keep you hooked.
You is an album that deserves to be heard and I can guarantee you that as a
listener you will hear a different sound every time you play the album, one
moment you could be forgiven for thinking you’re listening to and 80’s era
Grace Jones the next time the cheeky 90’s noise of Shampoo. I listened to the
album for the last few hours now and it is definitely worth splashing out for a
Score - 8/10
Vocals - BeXXX
Paco Radcliffe - Guitar/Vocals
Adorjan – Bass/Vocals
Star – Drums
1. Get Out Of My Tree
2. Dirty Disco
3. CoCo (I should)
4. New York Doll
5. Subway Freeks
6. Mandy Meltdown
7. Take Me Back
8. I’m Trash
9. Love And Distortion
10.Hex Your Ex