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About Me

- aorwxm
- Born in the late 60's, Chesy hails from a Welsh mining village with a long name and was pretty glad when he got the Hell out of there. He got into Rock/Metal in about 1980, thanks to a TISWAS related incident (Rainbow video for All Night Long) and thankfully has never looked back. Chesy often sang solo in the school choir, but thanks to a puberty related incident his voice is now completely bolloxed, although in his own head Paul thinks he sounds like a blend of Coverdale and Dio (R.I.P). He was brought up on the classics - Deep Purple, Rainbow, Thin Lizzy, Rush, Whitesnake and loved melodic rock and the Hair Bands of the 80's. (Nowadays, he has progressed a little and prefers a more technical and/or progressive metal - Dream Theater, Rush, Symphony X, Porcupine Tree, Pain Of Salvation, Spock's Beard. He hates Black and Death Metal (can't stand the grunting) but for some unknown reason loves the magnificent Opeth! He wont stop this blog until his beloved FM finally play the likes of the NEC as a headlining act!!!
Saturday, 31 March 2012
Steel Panther - Manchester Academy 30/3/12
Don’t even bother travelling to the States this year to see the Van Halen machine, stick to the UK and instead catch Steel Panther in action. They have the songs, the moves and even the skanky girls in attendance. What more could a self effacing rock fan want. Fuck dudes, they even throw in about 20 minutes of pure comedy gold for your £15 admission price.
Sure none of this is new, and it’s all been done before, but that can be said of almost every song written. Here’s a big but - Steel Panther have some of the best riffs this side of 1985, and that’s saying something. If this were 1985, Steel Panther would be one of the biggest bands on the planet. That said, they are certainly out for global domination in the 21st Century.
Playing to a rammed Academy 1, Steel Panther hit the stage to ‘Supersonic Sex Machine’, and with all guns blazing the Panther guys give the crowd all they’ve got, huge riffs courtesy of Satchel; a front man who I’m sure would turn some of the male audience gay in Michael ‘ Don’t call me Diamond Dave’ Starr; the prince of pound Stix Zadinia; and doing what he does best, and that’s looking good for the ladies all night long (just so he can put his penis in ladies vaginas-es!).... Lexxi Foxxx.
‘Tomorrow Night’ my personal fave from Balls Out has a riff that all the bands that take the piss out of Steel Panther would kill their loved ones for. Its that awesome. After the first couple of songs that guys went straight into ‘Comedy’ mode, with loads of banter with themselves and the audience (that’s what makes a Steel Panther gig a cut above the rest, you are definitely a part of the whole experience). Out came the band introductions ‘He’s the best drummer in Steel Panther......Stix Zadinia! And so on.
The audience went ballistic for Fat Girl (Thar She Blows) and had everyone joining in. If you though this was loud, the excitement went way past eleven for ‘Asian Hooker’ and then ‘Just Like Tiger Woods’. Satchels solo spot was up next, and proved that this guy can play, incorporating Rimsky-Korsakov’s ‘Flight of the Bumblebee’ complete with blow job mimes. This guy can multi-task at a much higher level than us mere mortals.
'G.O.L.D.D.I.G.G.I.N.G.W.H.O.R.......E!' Read it like the chorus dudes, was up next and I still cant stop singing it even as I’m writing it up. Stix came down from his drum riser to play the piano on the ballad that is ‘Weenie Ride’ and proves that he can play an instrument other than the drums. The Manchester skanky whore ladies (their words not mine, OK mine also) were certainly in attendance, and the guys got a few of them on the stage for ‘Party All Day’, with one girl in particular who couldn’t keep her tits IN her basque top!
Last of the set list was the anthemic ‘Death To All But Metal’, the song which launched Steel Panther onto us a couple of years ago. Steel Panther left the stage all too soon, and encored with the auto biographical ‘Eatin’ Ain’t Cheatin’’ and the song they just had to play, ’17 Girls In A Row’, and after the show, they probably did.
Steel Panther are one of the hottest bands currently on tour, and as long as you’re not easily offended, you should really check them out, even if you don’t like your metal served up 80s style. They don’t need pyro to assist them, its just 80s cock rocking metal served with a smile and a huge helping of vulgarity. I fucking love this band!
Saturday, 17 March 2012
The Answer / The Union with support from Skam, Manchester Academy 2 13.3.12
Despite having seen The Answer a few years ago supporting
Alter Bridge a few years ago, I was highly expectant of this double header
show, together with The Union, and for one review only (The) Skam.
It was a gig that didn’t deliver by the spade load, it
delivered by the TONNE. First band Skam were a mighty fine surprise indeed.
Walking into the gig in the middle of their first song, I was hit by a wave of
bass guitar and drums turned all the way past eleven. The power 3 piece from
Leicester packed more punch into a 30 minute set than a lot of bands can muster
in two hours. Bassist / Mentalist Matt Gilmore was an absolute star, rocking
the Academy 2 crowd as if every gig he played was as big as Wembley, and he is
one of 3 living musicians who still has a valid MySpace page. Guitarist/Vocalist
Steve Hill, resplendent in his ‘Wyld Stallyns’ T Shirt, lead the line and
delivered with great flair. Kudos as well goes to drummer Ray Peverill who beat
seven colours of shite out of his kit. All of the songs caught showed great
promise, nor more so than 'Massacre', 'Dead From The Waist Down' and 'No Lies'. Keep
an eye out for these guys as they have the potential to do some damage, and to
your ear drums!
The Union sauntered onto the stage to a fantastic rapturous
applause. Despite a decent generation gap between Morley and Shoulder, you’d swear
that this band has knocked years off Luke Morley’s age and you can sense the fun
that all the guys are having. Billed as a double headline, The Union, despite
the fan base that The Answer brings, have nothing to be afraid of. Their songs,
although not in the same DC mould as The Answer, the blues/rock song writing that
Shoulder/Morley bring is an absolute joy, and in Shoulder, The Union have one
of the best singers I’ve heard in years. He is bloody fantastic! Opening
with the powerful ‘Watch The River Flow’ they had the audience in the palm of
their hands before the first chorus had even begun.
When Morley, Childs, and Shoulder weigh in with some
harmonies on ‘Black Gold’, the end result is stunning. I wish more bands made
use of their talents. The Union were here to push the new album ‘Sirens Song’
and what an album that is! ‘Blame it On Tupelo’ with soloing on guitar from
Shoulder, and like Alter Bridge it’s an asset to have a vocalist who is a
decent guitarist in his own right and the combination really gives the live
songs some oomph. At the midpoint the audience nearly has a whip round for the
guys as they were done by the pigs on the way to the gig. New single ‘Obsession’, ‘Cut The Line’, ‘The
Remedy’ and album title ‘Siren’s Song’ all kicked some serious butt.
It won’t be long before The Union are up to the size of gigs
that Thunder used to play, if not bigger. Morley certain knows how to pick a
singer, and in the case of Pete Shoulder, he’s got a bloke who is right at the
top of his game.
The Answer, bang a slightly different drum. High octane rock
n roll to be precise. Again like Pete Shoulder, The Answer has the utterly
awesome Cormac Neeson. I was expecting The Answer to be playing the bigger
Academy by this point in their career, but it’s better to play in a packed A2
that a half filled Academy 1.
How that voice comes
from such a slight frame is anyone’s guess. Once he gets his groove on, Neeson
resembles ‘Cousin It’ from the Addams Family! Hitting 60mph from a standing
start, ‘New Day Rising’ from their latest album kicks off proceedings. ‘Under
The Sky’ set the tone for the evening. With Paul Mahon’s blistering guitar
work, a rock-solid rhythm section of
bassist Micky Waters and drummer James Heatley in perfect partnership, the Academy
2 was almost levelled; such is the power and ferocity of playing from this
Again The Answer was
here with a mix of both old and new songs. Despite a pretty cool back catalogue
(‘Don’t Follow Me’, ‘Too Far Gone’) the new songs really stand out. ‘Vida (I
Want You), a reworked and stripped down version of the new single ‘Nowhere
I always feel that
if Neeson gave up his day job he could be a southern Baptist preacher. It’s an
appropriate number that in ‘Preacher’ you really believe he could turn people
to religion. Halfway through the song he jumped into the audience (wasn’t mobbed)
and got everyone within a 5m radius (of which I was one) it sit down all around
him. It was a really nice touch and was a great thing to be a part of. You can
get away with stuff like this in Manchester.
The Answer finished
their set with the majority of songs taken from ‘Revival’. ‘Tornado’ lives up to its name as a live song,
‘One More Revival’ got everyone in the Academy 2 rocking their arses off. For
an encore ‘Waste Your Tears’ was a fitting song to finish off the set and the
For the full house
that witnessed this rock n roll extravaganza, it will be talked about for many
a year. The was one of the best gigs I will see all year, and it’s still only
Monday, 12 March 2012
Romeo's Daughter - Rapture
I know most people who visit CRR Towers have never probably
heard of Romeos Daughter, and shame on you (mostly) young whipper-snappers for
not knowing who they are. Formed in the late 80s, Romeo’s Daughter had a hell
of a lot going for them.
Big name producers...check! The ultimate rock producer at the time agreed to produce
some of the debut. Robert ‘’Mutt’’ Lange, married to Olga, who was Romeo’s Daughter’s
manager, and ‘St. Elmo’s Fire’ singer John Parr.
Songs that are so hook laden they had ‘’hook
laden’’ running through the middle if you cut them in half.....check!
And they had (still have!) a singer with the
looks of a runway model, that wasn’t just eye candy and could and still can
sing as well as any female rock singer....double
So why aren’t they a household name? They certainly are in
my household, and most of the 2-300 that have just witnessed them supporting FM
only this very week. The sophomore album was as strong as the debut, but it
just never worked out. This was ‘93 and Grunge had taken a hold of the music
industry. They were highly thought of by their peers, with songs of theirs
covered by Heart, Eddie Money, and God forbid…Steps!!!
So fast forward almost 20 years and it turns out Romeo’s
Daughter never broke up. They made a successful return at Firefest a couple of
years ago and decided to give it another shot. Boy, am I thankful that they
did! March 2012 sees their third release, ‘Rapture’ released onto an expectant
fan base. Are they, like many other melodic rock bands, here to make up the
numbers and try to deliver an album that would be money grabbing and a weak
effort, just because its en vogue to do so? Thankfully not!
After seeing the response and success that hubby has seen
with FM, Romeo’s Daughter have made the correct decision and come back on their
terms and their own label. Fans of the band can look forward to an album that
sits very comfortably with the debut and ‘Delectable’.
Thanks to songwriter-in-chief Craig Joiner, he has delivered
a set of songs planted firmly in the Romeo’s Daughter mould. It’s as if it were
the immediate successor to ‘Delectable’, only 20 years haven’t passed! Opening track ‘Tripping Out’ contains all the
Romeo’s Daughter hallmarks – catchy chorus, great riffs, and the excitable
vocals of Leigh Matty (she gets me all excitable!). ‘Bittersweet’ is another
that just rolls out of the Joiner song factory and is the kind of song I’d hear
all day long on the radio in the states, particularly on some country/rock
crossover station. ‘Cannot Be The One is firmly set at mid paced, but is enjoyable
all the same. One things for certain, Romeo’s Daughter aren’t here to rock your
socks off permanently, preferring a mix of lighter numbers, but the next song, ‘Keep
Walking’ falls firmly into this rock-socks bracket and is one of the best songs
on ‘Rapture’ by a country mile.
‘Lightning’ is a song that would be welcome on Radio 2
airwaves all day long. If FM can manage this with ‘Hollow’, then ‘Lightning’
should also be a cert for R2 masses. ‘Alive’ is a song I’d imagine Robin Beck
singing all those years ago, and it’s a pure AOR sing a long/foot tappin’
track for driving /ironing / shopping / jogging to (delete as appropriate). ‘Fly Away’ makes
for one solid first half of an album. Its lightweight, but in a good way, and it doesn’t
have to shout from the rooftops to be a good song. ‘Talking Love’ comes straight
out of the ‘Colour You A Smile’ school. ‘Mine’ is again as catchy as a baseball glove covered in molasses.
Romeos Daughter and Craig Joiner in particular have
something to be proud of here. It was easy for them all to just turn up and peddle
some tracks from 1988 that never made the first two albums. Plus no doubt they
all have better/other ways of earning income than getting the band back
together. Craig’s song writing still stands out, and together with Leigh Matty’s
(still) sumptuous vocals they have come up with an album that shows they’ve returned
with a vengeance and hopefully a (headlining) tour or two will follow.
For existing fans, it’s a no-brainer. For others it’s not an
out and our rock/melodic rock album, but this could help their appeal to a much
wider audience this time around. It just exudes quality.
Just don’t wait 20
years for the next album eh!
Issued thru RD Records a division of RD Enterprises Ltd
1. Trippin' Out
2. Bittersweet
3. Cannot Be The One
4. Keep Walking
5. Lightning
6. Alive
7. Fly away
8. Make My Dreams Come True
9. Precious Thing
10. Talking Love
11. He's Mine
12. Will Be
1. Trippin' Out
2. Bittersweet
3. Cannot Be The One
4. Keep Walking
5. Lightning
6. Alive
7. Fly away
8. Make My Dreams Come True
9. Precious Thing
10. Talking Love
11. He's Mine
12. Will Be
Sunday, 11 March 2012
FM - Live In Europe DVD
FM have been somewhat prolific since reforming for 2007’s
successful Firefest headlining appearance, the ‘Wildside EP’, Metropolis album, from
which the single ‘Hollow’ made its appearance on Radio 2, something that guys
couldn’t achieve the first time around. They have even been invited to some of
Europe’s biggest and baddest festivals the past couple of years – Download
(UK), Graspop Metal Market (Belgium),
Rock the Nation (Germany), and a couple of gigs at some decent venues I didn’t expect to see FM frequent at this
stage in their careers, but exceptionally pleased that they have – especially
the support for Journey last year in Dublin and Belfast. Plus their own
headline gig at the Sala Heineken in Madrid. Its these (successful) gigs that
make up the DVD.
Apart from one instance (Bad Luck) FM have avoided the
duplication issue by not containing the same song from different venues, which
gives the DVD more of a ‘set list’ feel.
Belfast sees FM perform one of their best loves songs, ‘Bad
Luck’ complete with the usual high quality harmonies from all concerned. Why
can’t more bands all harmonise like FM?
Dublin sees FM play what used to be my fave opener of theirs
in the late 80’s, the pulsating and more potent than the CD version, ‘I Belong
To The Night’ and their performances are so consistent, the Dublin and Belfast
gigs are seamless in quality and continuity. Even the stage clothes are
identical. The audience response at the end is one that has the hallmarks of
being blown away.
Download are treated to ’Wildside’, probably the most in yer
face rocker that FM have ever performed and prove that in 2012 their music is
still relevant, and they’re not just a) making a fast buck, and b) here to make
up the numbers for Download.
Loreley sees FM use an almost new and pioneering technique
for performing the AC/DC riff inspired ‘Flamingo Road’ whereby the video is
‘slowed down’ to an absolute minimum. This new process is called photography!
This special section is for those who may suffer from severe epilepsy, and risk
having a seizure from watching FM perform at such high speed.
One of the highlights of this Rock The Nation section (for
me and possibly many others) is an almost ‘blink and you will miss it’ section
of some FM rarities – dodgy 80s pics, poodle perms, Merv’s legendary pink suit,
shoulder pads, lamé jackets, ticket stubs (£4.50 !! Before Ticketmaster started
taking the piss), magazine articles, album, single and many tour promo posters,
and some wonderful gig reviews. They even made the front page of Kerrang! back
in the day (29/7/89). Get that ‘pause’ button ready. Wonderful stuff!
GMM (Graspop) has the biggest section on show. Played in
front of a small (for a festival) but I must say, a won over and appreciative
audience (especially the two metalheads seen on Bad Luck)– they are hit hard
with ‘That Girl. Dont Stop, Bad Luck, Burning My Heart Down, and Grapevine’ and
is the most professionally shot set of the DVD.
Other Side of Midnight is taken from FMs gig with DAD at
Lisbon (great venue) and as usual FM go down a storm. The final song (That
Girl) is taken from their headline show at the Sala Heineken in Madrid on the
same night Real played Barca. It’s the stunning acoustical version seen (heard?) on the
City Limits EP and is a great closer to the DVD
The various sections all contain little snippets of clips
shot in and around the venues, just in case you think its all been made up.
There is also a decent Bonus section, their first appearance
in years (20?) at the Hammersmith Apollo. Good times indeed! Aptly named ‘The
Hammersmith Apollo Bootleg’ as it’s a gig that looks like it’s been recorded by
a camera with ‘home video’ stamped all over it, and with some bass vibration
when shot from a distance. In saying that, it’s not Hollywood, but it’s not
shabby either. The sound is just OK,and the set is definitely from the ‘hit the
audience right between the eyes’ school of set lists. The gig was supporting
Thin Lizzy, a band I’ve occasionally thought that FM get their direction from,
especially in ‘Face to Face’. Even with the sound from this Hammersmith gig
being not so perfect, Overland’s voice still sounds great.
The picture isn’t always brilliant, the audio has one
option, but for the price, it makes for exceptional value witnessing a band who
25 years later are still sounding as good, if not better than ever, and is nice
to see them enjoying the festival experiences that they didn’t seem to get the
first time around.
I just hope the guys had the foresight to record the recent
Indiscreet 25 gigs, as that was the best I’ve EVER seen FM. There’s life in the
not so old dogs yet. Long may they continue putting out albums and DVDs like
It’s still an essential purchase for fans of this much loved
institution of British Rock
Saturday, 10 March 2012
Romeo's Daughter - Live Review, Manchester Academy 2, 9.3.12
To quote Steve Overland ‘’I’ve had nothing but bad luck’’
these past couple of years when it comes to seeing my beloved Romeos Daughter.
Their ‘Firefest’ appearance was missed due to a chronic chest infection, the
gig at Winstanley College was just sold out for a small audience. So when I
heard that Dare had been replaced by my wedding band, (not in person I might
add) I wasn’t going to miss this opportunity for the world.
You see, me and RD go back a long way, all the way to their
supporting FM on their Tough it Out Tour in ’89, and from that moment, I was
Romeo’s Daughter were in town to support FM and were in
receipt of their new album ‘Rapture’ (review soon). Twenty years just passed
immediately and I was taken back to the Tiv. I’m pleased to say that in that
time, nothing has changed (apart from Craig’s lack of hat and hair! Sorry dude!).
Leigh Matty is still as gorgeous as ever, and thankfully, Leigh’s voice has not
faltered one little bit. Back this up with ‘Slim’ Whitman, Andy Welsford, the
antics of Ed Poole and the golden pen/guitar of Craig Joiner, and it makes for
one great (but too short) performance.
Romeos Daughter were here to rock and they were met by a
fully appreciative and excited audience. Weighing in with 8 songs, 4 of which were
taken from ‘Rapture’, and if the four on offer were anything to go by, Romeo’s
Daughter have another great album on their hands. The new songs, ‘Trippin Out’,
‘Bittersweet’, ‘Lightning’ and ‘Keep Walking’ were as good as the classics I
wanted and did hear this evening. The
latter two especially so. Mix these four with ‘Velvet Tongue’, ‘Attracted To
The Animal’, the wonderful ‘Cry Myself To Sleep’, and ‘Wild Child’ (a song so
good it was once covered by Heart), and it made for one fabulous evening.
Me? I couldn’t stop smiling, I was so happy to witness Romeo’s
Daughter live again. I just hope they continue to stick around and get to play
some headlining gigs of their own, as eight songs just wasn’t enough.
Still ‘Delectable’ after all these years!
And now.....!
FM - Indiscreet Live, Manchester Academy 2, 9.3.12
Nights like last night don’t come any better than that for
me. A night whereby I can witness two of my fave bands of all time, Romeos Daughter and FM. A sight and sound I never ever thought I would witness again
on the exact same stage and bill.
In fact I felt like Marty McFly! I’d just stepped into my
DeLorean (well its a Passat really), hit 88 miles an hour, and planted myself
firmly in 1987! Even some of the hairstyles were still in vogue from that era.
You know who you are!
Entering onto the stage to rapturous applause from the Manchester
crowd, FM could do no wrong. They were in town to support 25years of
'Indiscreet', their debut and definitely their most worshipped album. They were
here to play the whole Goddamn thing!
With no fuss, FM went straight into ‘That Girl’, a song so
good it was once covered by Iron Maiden! (cue the first of many goosebumps). ‘Other Side Of Midnight’ followed, and I sware that if you closed your eyes, it
was 1987 all over again! Only this time, Chris Overland looked a little like
Yngwie Malmsteens younger (and thinner) brother. Without harping on too much, classic
followed classic, and the highlights for me were, ‘I Belong To The Night’, a song
I've loved live as it just kicks ass compared to the album version; ‘American
Girl’ a song which should have sent FM to the US and mega stardom; ‘Face to
Face’ complete with obligatory audience participation – If you don’t know this
song, you're not allowed to buy a ticket, and the classic ‘Frozen Heart’. A special guest was in attendance for an added surprise on 'Heart Of The Matter'. Yes people, for one night only, back from a recent tour of Neptune and Pluto,
Mr Didge Digital. For when you think its never too much to have one keytar, FM
sported two (yes TWO!). That was special indeed! And it was great to see Didge back on the same stage - cue a sea of mobile phones to capture the occasion.
If you thought just listening to 'Indiscreet' was enough (I'd
have gone home ecstatic at this point), what was about to follow made this an
FM gig of a lifetime. FM camped their set firmly in the 'Indiscreet' and 'Tough It Out' era.
The second half opened with ‘Dangerous’, which only ever appeared live in the
early days, and ‘Let Love Be The Leader’. ‘Tough It Out’ was up next, and
Overland had me at ‘Whoa-o-oh’. This album should have sent FM stratospheric,
and the remainder of the set was ‘T.I.O-tastic’.
‘Dont Stop’, and ‘Does
It Feel Like Love’ followed, before classics ‘Bad Luck’ and ‘Burning My Heart
Down’ complete with Jupp’s obligatory dance moves, closed off the set. FM
returned for ‘Hot Legs’, a song that they made their own 20-odd years ago and was a perfect finale.
In Steve Overland, FM have one of the finest singers ever to
grace a stage. Put this together with the mighty rhythm section of Messers Jupp
and Goldsworthy, master ivory tinkler Jem Davis, and the best guitarist I've
seen play for FM with a fire and passion like Jim Kirkpatrick, it all makes for
one special formula, and one very special night.
FM don’t play to fans, they play to family and friends, as
its rare to see a bond like this between the two. Everyone sang, everyone went
home 100% ecstatic. The song selection (and performance) was unparalleled. A
point stated as I chatted to friends after the show.
This was the best FM gig I have witnessed in over 20 years
of seeing the guys, and I say this on great authority as I must have seen them
20 times over the years. If you were lucky to witness this short tour then you
caught a very special night indeed. I’ve never had goosebumps so many times in
one night, even two hours later. After a sing-a-long night like last night, my
voice is totally buggered. Absolutely fantastic.
Set List -
Intro - Pink Panther Theme
That Girl
Other Side Of Midnight
Love Lies Dying
I Belong To The Night
American Girl
Hot Wired
Face To Face
Frozen Heart
Heart Of The Matter
Let Love Be The Leader
Tough It Out
Don't Stop
Does It Feel Like Love
Bad Luck
Burning My Heart Down
Hot Legs
Set List -
Intro - Pink Panther Theme
That Girl
Other Side Of Midnight
Love Lies Dying
I Belong To The Night
American Girl
Hot Wired
Face To Face
Frozen Heart
Heart Of The Matter
Let Love Be The Leader
Tough It Out
Don't Stop
Does It Feel Like Love
Bad Luck
Burning My Heart Down
Hot Legs
Sunday, 4 March 2012
Unisonic - Ignition
The term ‘Super-Group’ is one which is wheeled out all too
often in the music industry, and really has to used with care, and applied like
the care of a Mogwai. Few Super-groups actually exist, and even they can be
overrated and over-hyped. Theres 2 exceptional ones in existence currently –
Chickenfoot and Black Country Communion. No doubt there are many others
depending upon personal opinion. Unisonic whilst not in the same calibre as the
aforementioned, certainly have the promise to be an Aldi-version of a
supergroup. Lets face it, these guys haven’t exactly shifted platinum albums by the
truckload in their previous/current day jobs (unlike Messers Hughes /Hagar /Anthony
Football teams don’t always need to spend big to get the
right formula, and thats exactly what we have here. All five members are pretty
much masters of their craft – namely Michael Kiske (vocals & member of
Helloween in their glory period), Kai Hansen (guitar & also Helloween at
their best, and later of Gamma Ray), Dennis Ward (bass and excellent writer and
knob twiddler of the highest order – of PC69, Khymera, and collaborator to the
best, Angra, House of Lords, Krokus, Primal fear & Place Vendome to name
but a few), Kosta Zafirou (deums &
PC69), and last but not least, Mandy Meyer (guitar & best known for
Gotthard & Krokus).
Unisonic got together in 09 as a quartet (no Hansen at this
point), and have played a few festivals since. After the Avantasia world tour
where Kiske was joined by Hansen, the magic returned and idea was bourne to
expand the quartet into a quintet.
We have a 4 track EP, with 2 album tracks in ‘Unisonic’ and ‘My
Sanctuary’, a live version of Helloween’s ‘I Want Out’ and a demo track, ‘Soul’s
Alive’. An album was recorded late 2011, the EP being an appetite whetter for
what is to come.
Unisonic is a straight forward in your face rocker and is
undoubtedly the shining song of the EP. No doubt the collaboration of Kiske’s
vocal range and Hansen’s killer riffs will have old fans of Helloween going
weak at the knie’s (thats German for knees!). ‘My Sanctuary’ is quite, nay very
reminiscent of early Helloween and Gamma Ray. Perhaps they should have just
gone for the name Gamma-ween or Hellow-ray! A fact more bleedin’ obvious with
the live version of ‘I Want Out’, which is no doubt a cert for the Japanese market
and is a pretty good version. The demo ‘Souls Alive’ doesn’t sound like a demo
at all and is probably better produced than most bands can muster. It was
recorded pre-Hansen and is a decent enough effort, but I doubt will make the
album cut.
Theres definitely a lot of promise with this mini album that
will hopefully be fulfilled come the release of the album. Mainly for fans of
German ‘sing-a-long-a-metal’ for which Helloween are renowned. One to look out
for in 2012
Released through earMUSIC, a division of Edel
Unisonic are,
- Michael Kiske (ex Helloween) – Vocals
- Kai Hansen (ex Helloween / Gamma Ray) –Guitar
Meyer (ex Asia, Krokus and Gotthard) – Guitar
Ward (Pink Cream 69) – Bass
Zafiriou (Pink Cream 69) - Drums
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