About Me

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Born in the late 60's, Chesy hails from a Welsh mining village with a long name and was pretty glad when he got the Hell out of there. He got into Rock/Metal in about 1980, thanks to a TISWAS related incident (Rainbow video for All Night Long) and thankfully has never looked back. Chesy often sang solo in the school choir, but thanks to a puberty related incident his voice is now completely bolloxed, although in his own head Paul thinks he sounds like a blend of Coverdale and Dio (R.I.P). He was brought up on the classics - Deep Purple, Rainbow, Thin Lizzy, Rush, Whitesnake and loved melodic rock and the Hair Bands of the 80's. (Nowadays, he has progressed a little and prefers a more technical and/or progressive metal - Dream Theater, Rush, Symphony X, Porcupine Tree, Pain Of Salvation, Spock's Beard. He hates Black and Death Metal (can't stand the grunting) but for some unknown reason loves the magnificent Opeth! He wont stop this blog until his beloved FM finally play the likes of the NEC as a headlining act!!!

Saturday, 23 February 2013

W.E.T. - Rise Up Album Review



The Godfather at Frontiers obviously has a master plan, to give melodic rock to the masses. It must be difficult when AOR has never been the popular choice for most, but is probably in the best shape it has been for a number of years, and Frontiers are a major player in making this happen. For this, I commend the vision of the bloke
The W.E.T. debut album in 2009 was one of the rare occasions when a band created by the vision of a record label president managed to create such a wave of enthusiasm and interest from fans and the media alike, not only that it went beyond the band’s own expectations, but pushed the musicians themselves to raise their game, when in the beginning they “thought anyone would care except maybe the die-hard fans from the three bands the name W.E.T. came from”.
The key element to the success of “W.E.T’ was to create a modern Melodic Hard Rock sound and drive it into the future, with powerhouse rhythm and production making it an equally classic and contemporary release.
Robert Såll (the “W” from Work of Art), Erik Mårtensson (the “E” from Eclipse) and Jeff Scott   Soto (the “T” from Talisman) accepted the daunting task to give that debut album a follow-up, along with Eclipse members Magnus Henriksson and Robban Bäck, that could live up to the expectation of thousands of fans across the globe.
Anticipated by the release of the single/video “Learn to Live Again” – an unbelievably radio-friendly song, which features for the first time a vocal duet between Mårtensson and Soto - the new album “Rise Up” presents again a massive production with added  spit and polish, and ‘Learn…’ is the first standout song on the album. Instantly memorable, it presses all the buttons for an enjoyable ride. Title track ‘Rise Up’ takes over where ‘Learn…’ leaves off, catchy as hell chorus, great hook, and a modern AOR classic even if it does take its inspiration from the 80s. An AOR album wouldn’t be one if there wasn’t a ballad, and W.E.T. nail it with Love Heals, and plenty of ‘Whooa, ooohhhs’ along the way for you budding Rock Gods to sing along to. WET have found a formula that works, songs like ‘What You Want’ and ‘Bad Boy’just roll off the W.E.T. production line
Hook after hook, “Rise Up” is another one of these albums where you can enjoy the dynamics of a brilliant partnership bringing out a unique result. Melodic bullet rockers are followed by haunting ballads and fabulous arena rockers in an album that leaves the listener in awe from start to finish.
Frontiers info states that “Rise Up” is released in February but it will be very difficult to envision anything better to come out during the year to beat the “Melodic Rock album of the year”. Do you know what? They wont be far wrong come the end of the year, it’s a belter!


CD Tracklist:Walk Away; Learn to Live Again; Rise Up; Love Heals; What You Want; The Moment; Bad Boy; On The Run; Broken Wings; Shot; Still Believe In Us; Still Unbroken

W.E.T. is:
Jeff Scott Soto: Lead Vocals
Erik Mårtensson: Guitars, Bass, Keyboards, Vocals
Robert Säll: Keyboards, Guitars
Robban Bäck: Drums
Magnus Henriksson: Guitars

Release date: Frontiers Records
Europe: February 22nd 2013
U.S.A.: February 26th 2013

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