A lot has happened in Geoff Tate Land these past few months.
Severe ructions with his Queensrÿche band mates saw him evicted/sacked from his
lead position in one of the greatest modern metal prog bands I have ever
witnessed in my 30 years of attending rock gigs. Tate was fired from his own
band, and accusations were levelled at Tate’s door, mainly in trying to punch
Rockenfield’s lights out. Then there’s
the whole Rocklahoma thing (google it!). Tate has also had the balls to admit
his failings when some (many) would not, and for this alone deserves huge
credit to the fellow! The last thing that anyone wants is two bands plying
their trade as a pair of Queens(rÿche’s). This sacking all seems strange as it’s
killing the goose that laid the golden egg as Tate is responsible for over 80%
of The Rÿche’s output over the last 30 years!
Now over the years I’ve been a huge Queensrÿche fan after seeing them support Dio in the UK
when they were promoting ‘The Warning’. I must admit that the last 10-15 years
have been a bit difficult for me, and I often wonder how on Earth Queensrÿche have lasted this long, based on the commercial
output over this 10-15 year period.
Currently we have two? Yes, two Queensrÿche’s about to do
the rounds, the other (non Tate version) now operating under another name.
Basically after getting thrown off the horse, he’s back on it straight away
going what he does best, and that’s getting his music heard.
Now most of you all know that Geoff Tate is best known for his
work with the progressive metal band Queensrÿche. Geoff is regarded as one of
the most skilled vocalists in the genre with hundreds of modern, popular
artists citing him and his band as a major influence.
Combining social consciousness and expertly crafted lyrics with
high-energy, melodically complex music, Geoff and his band have become
internationally recognized as the thinking man's rock band. The band's first
three albums -- their self-titled EP (1983), The Warning (1984) and Rage for
Order (1986) -- all hit gold status selling over 500,000 units each. With the
release of their landmark concept album Operation: Mindcrime (1988) -- which
won critical and popular acclaim and comparisons to the Who's Tommy and Pink
Floyd's The Wall -- Queensrÿche went on to bring their progressive music to
sold-out audiences the world over. I have to add here that ‘Mindcrime’ is one
of the ‘Every Home Should Have One’ albums. If you haven’t heard this then
shame on you matey!
Following the album's platinum success, Queensrÿche released
Empire, which quickly entered the Top 10 on the Billboard charts, eventually
generating sales of more than 3.0 million copies. The album featured the hugely
popular hit, "Silent Lucidity," which would be the band's first Top
10 single (#9 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart and #1 on the Billboard Mainstream
Rock Tracks chart).
The band celebrated their 30th Anniversary in rock by
releasing Dedicated to Chaos and, once again, toured extensively. Since their
inception, the band has sold over 25 million albums worldwide and has performed
in over 46 countries.
Enough of the history lesson, what about Geoff 2nd
solo album? Remember his first, way back in 2002? Me hardly, either! But one
thing is for certain, ‘Kings & Thieves’ isn’t up there with the best that Queensrÿche
has to offer, but it’s probably better
than most of the Queensrÿche albums churned out after Promised Land. . That
doesn’t mean it’s a great album, but it’s not shite either . So don’t judge
this purely on the best Rÿche output as that’s grossly unfair to the individual.
Geoff’s vocals come out rather well, although there are a couple of songs I
don’t really care to hear ever again – ‘The Way I Roll’ is one in particular. ‘TWIR’
is a bit of a whoozy, jazzy number that’s too mid 90s Queensrÿche for my liking, but Tate blows his own sax on
the track! (make your own jokes up, I’m being serious for once). ‘Say U Luv
It’, with spoken word lyrics is a strange one which gets under my skin, but not
in a good way.
Start with the negatives and move onto the positives I say. Bringing
Kelly Gray on board was an inspired move, his playing is varied and
interesting, and proves a good foil for Tate. The first couple of songs ‘She Slipped
Away’, and ‘Take a Bullet’ are both decent songs, both two of the melodic, and heaviest
on offer and Tate seems to be enjoying his new life with some of his strongest
vocals being present in many a recent year. The split has done him a world of
good. ‘She Slipped Away’ sets out Tate's musical habdashery for the 21st
century, with Kelly Grays guitars shining brightly, giving an Empire/90s Queensrÿche
era feel to proceedings.
‘Tomorrow’, the longest track on the album, is a stripped
back affair, with a rather nice mid-section with Gray playing an Eastern
influenced sound , then up the tempo with ‘Evil’, in which Geoff sings, “Why don’t you say it to my face, you don’t move me, you don’t fool me,
it doesn’t matter because what you give is what you get…” a slant at his former band mates?
Highly likely! ‘Evil’ is definitely one of the highlights due to the darker tone and subject matter. ‘Dark
Money’ goes back to the lighter, poppier tones of the opening track. Apart from
‘The Way I Roll’, the biggest departure away from what you’d (possibly) expect,
is the synth/piano led ‘Change’ and it makes for a refreshing, well , er….change! After a couple of listens, it
turns out to be the finest track on the album by a long chalk.
So..don’t expect any of Queensrÿche’s power prog metal
anthems of yesteryear, Aside from Kelly, Geoff has also employed
fellow Seattle musician (and former Mother Love Bone member) Gregg Gilmore on
drums, Chris Zukas on bass and long-time collaborator Randy Gane (with whom
both Geoff and Kelly played in Myth) on keyboards. The band also features
harmony vocals courtesy of Jason Ames and Emily Tate.
Despite the foibles, Tate has his own direction away from
the prog tinged power metal of Queensrÿche, preferring a more condensed, modern
sounding melodic rock (but not in its purest AOR form).
I doubt it will bring in too many Queensrÿche fans who
probably gave up after ‘Empire’, but I’m certainly glad that I got the
opportunity to hear it. Tate has shown the musical direction he wishes to take
for his solo work and it’s diverse and interesting. It was an inspired move in
bringing Kelly Gray to contribute to mixing/production and guitar as his bluesy
style is a great fit for Tate’s, warm and trademark vocals. Not all of it
appeals to me, but one things for certain, its 100% Geoff Tate!
Track Listing:
1. She Slipped Away
2. Take A Bullet
3. In The Dirt
4. Say U Luv It
5. The Way I Roll
6. Tomorrow
7. Evil
8. Dark Money
9. These Glory Days
10. Change
11. Waiting
Recorded & Mixed by Kelly
Produced by Geoff Tate
Geoff Tate Online:
Geoff Tate – Lead and Harmony
Vocals, Saxophone
Kelly Gray – Guitars and Bass
Randy Gane - Keyboards
Gregg Gilmore - Drums
Jason Ames – Harmony Vocals
Emily Tate – Harmony Vocals
Chris Zukas - Bass |
Release date - 29th October 2012
This album is pure shit even worse than the last 4 Taint only written Queensryche albums and that is saying something . If the rumours are true and Taints Wife/manager/whore really has been cheating on him with any man who appears to have a business she can steer into the dirt and embezzle money from .Allegedly she has seen the writing on the wall and with Taints new album being a complete flop, she is not willing to give up the lifestyle she once had back when Taint was still sucsessful and respected member of a legendary band .This being the lead in to her filing for divorce to finish off the last of his dwindling finances .The irony is that she is, along with Taints alcohol fueled ego and complete lack of respect for his fans, responsible for this mess in the first place. Taint seems to be in some state of alcoholic dementia and has lost all grip with reality .His recent onstage ramblings and slobbering attempts to sing further highlight what a failure this man has become .I fear for what may happen when the rest of Queensryche with their incredible new singer Todd laTorre release their new album which from what we have heard so far sounds like an incredible return to form. It may be the thing that pushes Taint over the edge towards god forbid suicide or even lash out at those yes men and women around him who allowed him to fuck it up so bad . Worst album of the year by far !